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Colang Simulator: Impossible Edition

This is a conlang lexicon generator that is designed to make words nearly impossible to pronounce. Give it your best shot! The words are all written in IPA.

FPS Game

This is a simple FPS game that I made in 2022. It is 100% complete, but I could add more to it if I want to.

Ominous Noises

This is a simple program which generates ominous and creepy noises. To use it, you drag your mouse across the screen. This adjusts the frequencies that are present in the sound. In the code, a set of oscillators are initialized. They all start with a certain frequency, which can be changed as you use the simulation. This project is completed, but it may recieve more updates.

Perchrit: Escaping the Underworld

This is a game inspired by a character my brother created. His name is Perchrit, who goes on many adventures. I decided to turn one of these adventures into a game, where Perchrit tries to escape the dangerous underworld. This game is not complete yet, but I can't find the original project files, so I may have to start over if I want to make any changes to it.

Simplex Nature

This was one of my earliest projects. This program shows how Simplex Noise works, with four different color schemes visualizing it. It doesn't work that well, and it could definitely use improvement. As of now, I have kept the code exactly as it was at the time it was written.

Village Name Generator

This simple program randomly generates names for a fantasy village, town, or even city! It uses a list of common prefixes and suffixes for towns.

Zombies Chaos

This was made around 2021, and features many different characters, including zombies, wawwyys, amongus, and other thingies. At the end it has a 3d platformer. This project is not finished, because of course it still uses prototyping assets. For the most part, I was just playing around with the Unity ProBuilder and decided to make it a game. It was also an expirement with ragdoll physics, as you can see with the zombies. I was trying to get them to walk around, but their movement was so hilarious I decided to keep it as it was.